Floods are extremely dangerous and hazardous for the inhabitants of the place and area. Flash floods are dangerous. They can catch you completely off guard and destroy your homes and things. This is why you should keep the drain pipe clean by hiring drain contractors to avoid severe water damage.
What Are Flash Floods?
Flash floods are floods that usually happen within 3 to 6 hours of heavy rainfall. They come in a flash thus the name; flash flood. These types of floods give no time to the people living in the area to even prepare or run towards safety.
If you live in a low-lying area or any area which is prone to flash flooding or areas where there is heavy rainfall then you should always be prepared for flash floods. Even if you have never faced a flash flood but live near a stream or a river then there are many chances that it may strike after heavy rainfall. Firstly, keep the sewer and drain clean. Also, you need to prepare your house and family as well so that you can leave towards safety whenever there is a chance of a flash flood.
Preparing For A Flash Flood
There are many precautions you should take once the rainfall season approaches or you notice signs of a flash flood.
- First of all, check the flash flood weather regularly to stay updated on the upcoming chances of a flash flood. When you will be notified beforehand you will have ample time to do all the preparations.
- Keep your valuables, documents, and all the important files on the upper portion of your house. This way you will be sure that these things will be safe. If you do not have an upper portion then pack all the important stuff in a waterproof pack or bag.
- Unplug all your electrical equipment such as your freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerator, and all other appliances. If possible, transfer all the electrical components to the upper floor so chances of water getting into them are minimum.
- Fold your rugs and carpets and put them away in a safe place. Cover waterproof sheets on your furniture, sofas, and beds to protect them from floodwater.
- Open all the doors and windows for ventilation and also to move away from the water if it enters.
- Bring all your outside furniture and materials inside such as your garage or patio furniture. Either cover it up and store it in a safe place or bring it inside the house.
- Check for any vents, open windows, or small holes and escape spaces in your basement and seal them thoroughly to avoid flooding. If there are any vents or spaces which connect your main house to the basement then seal them tightly.
- If possible, shut down the main electrical power supply so that there is no chance of electric currents and shocks.
- Turn on your backflow valve in the sewer system if you have one. And if you do not have then remind yourself to get it installed once the threat of the flash flood is over.
Prepare A Disaster Management Bag:
Take a waterproof bag and fill it with all the essentials you would be needing. Pack your medicines, your important documents, food items that are non-perishable and need not be cooked. Pack water bottles for drinking. Cash, credit cards, and bank cards.
Put extra pairs of clothing. Pack a first aid kit, which includes band aids, wound cleaner, cotton, painkillers, bruise and wound creams, and other over-the-counter medicines and ointments. Pack your charger, a flashlight, extra batteries, and your necessary toiletries.
Other Tips
Once you have protected your home, you need to run away for safety if the circumstances do not look good. Make sure you have pre-decided a place where you can run to. Do not loiter around and wait for the rainfall and flash flood to subside and evacuate immediately towards a high-rise area before the situation worsens. Lock your door and make sure to switch off the gas, water, and main power supply before leaving. Also take all your valuables with you such as cash, gold, and other expensive stuff.
A flash flood happens instantly and you do not even get time to think, so you need to act first and worry later. Local government bodies or rooter services will be able to pump the water out to help you move towards restoration.