It is a fact that many things can damage your refrigerator that you may not know at all. By knowing such things or risks, you will be in a position to take better care of your refrigerator, maintain it for a long time, improve its efficiency and avoid refrigerator repair. Most common things that damage a refrigerator are listed below.
Cleaning Just the Inside
It is one of the serious mistakes you can make. Ignoring the outside of your refrigerator can ruin it and will cause serious issues. Many people do clean the inside so that the food remains safe. But they are careless about the outside. But you should not make this mistake anymore otherwise the freezer will often need repairs.
Overstocking Is Harmful
Refrigerators come in different sizes and shapes. Each has its particular carrying capacity which must be followed. But it is sad to mention that many of you will be overstocking the refrigerator which is really dangerous. It is one of the things that slowly damages the freezer, its efficiency and the performance keeps declining with the passage of time.
Temperature Is Too Low
Temperature is another important indicator which helps sustain the life of your freezer. If the temperature is kept too low, it can have adverse effects on it. Similarly, the temperature if maintained too high will also reduce the performance of your freezer leading to more consumption of energy. Therefore, you should keep the temperature at the safe level which is 37 degrees Fahrenheit.
Door Seals Are Ignored
The door seals of your refrigerator are very much important. In fact, the seals work to keep the temperature fall down. They also prevent any leakage. With this, it becomes necessary to check the seals now and then to make sure they are in the position. If the seals are broken, cool air will release and it affects the cooling process. Food will continue to spoil as well. Get it repaired by an appliance expert.
Storing Food Haphazardly
Depending upon the refrigerator type and size, you will get options to store food in it. There are different levels which should be used for proper storage. By not following these rules, you can damage the freezer. For example, you cannot store meat at the top and vegetables or fruit in the lowest part. This is again the standard practice. Moreover, items should be placed properly with space between them.
Lack of Proper Maintenance
On average, refrigerators can last for 17 years. But the condition is that you should maintain them and take proper care. Without regular maintenance, cleaning and repairing, your freezer will hardly last for ten years. Therefore, you must follow a fixed maintenance schedule in order that it has the best performance.
Sudden Voltage Change
A study shows that sudden voltage change is the biggest reason as a threat to the freezers. It damages them and affects various components and particularly the electrical system. The voltage change can happen for many reasons. So, you have got to be careful in this regard. Make sure the electrical connections are safe. The control board may also get damaged leading to extra cost of repairing and maintenance.
Free Running the Refrigerator
Here comes another interesting reason which is often ignored. Free running is advised in the user manuals and many of you might be following this advice. But it also has a limit and free running beyond this will have negative effects on your freezer. Free running for more than a few hours is something which you should strictly avoid.
Refrigerant Leakage
No freezer or refrigerant will work without the refrigerant. However, it sometimes leaks which causes the freezer to stop working. It not only makes it faulty but also leaves adverse impacts in the long run. Make sure the refrigerant in your freezer is maintained and not leaking.
Compressor Motor Issue
The compressor motor may have issues for a number of reasons. It breaks down as well. If the freezer is too old, it may fail. Another reason is overheating which occurs due to excessive usage. Therefore, you should take care of the compressor motor and switch off the refrigerator for some time during the day.
When you don’t know what’s wrong with your refrigerator, contact an appliance repair Fairfax service instead of doing DIY repairs.